Wednesday, August 3, 2022

A Woman's “Right” to Abortion and the Right to Kill.

It has been a long time since I found a topic worth writing about but today, I decided it was time to throw my opinion into the mix on the topic of abortion. Specifically, I want to talk about a woman’s “right” to have an abortion. 

Many who follow me know that I am a constitutionalist and a firm believer in the Bill of Rights. We are all born with rights that cannot be taken away. Regardless of how many laws are on the books, we still have the same rights we were born with. 

Like it or not, it is true. There is a God given right that everyone is born with. A person has complete dominion over their body and what they choose to do with it. 

A person truly is born with the right to do anything they choose with their body. ANYTHING! Unless a person is restrained, no one can prevent that individual from doing something with their own body. In fact, a person has the right to acquire a weapon and use it against another. Even if their action results in the injury or death to the other person. Mass shooters have proven that there is a certain type of people that choose to exercise their rights to harm others. Cain had every right to slay Abel. Everyone has this right. However we live in a civilized society that is governed by laws that exist to protect citizens from this form of behavior. 

It is true that anyone has the right to do anything they choose. However, we live in a society that makes laws to protect others against actions if a person’s conduct goes beyond what is acceptable in society. We have laws that protect a person that causes harm to another if they were acting in self-defense. Just think about the Kyle Rittenhouse acquittal. It was proven he acted in self-defense. Thus, he did not violate law. He had the right to use his body to harm another, even kill. If it hadn’t been proven to be self-defense, it would have been a crime. Kyle had the same rights as any mass shooter or you and me for that matter. 

In a civilized society there are laws that exist or will exist as a deterrent against certain people exercising their right to harm others. Yes, you, me and everyone else has the right to use our own bodies to cause harm to others. Civil members of society choose not to behave in that way but there still is a fraction of society that will gladly exercise their right to harm others. Laws exist to not only deter but provide a consequence for behavior that society determines to be unacceptable. 

Society varies with region or state. In all states there are certain laws that exist against abortion to protect unborn children. Many of these laws have existed since the founding of the United States but have not been enforceable since Roe vs Wade until now. Since the supreme court reversed Roe v Wade, the states now have the ability to not only create new laws but to enforce older laws they already had on the books. 

Some states have strict laws on abortion, others have very few laws against it and will allow abortions until full term. I live in a state that has rather strict laws on the books. It isn’t illegal but there are limits in the law. I believe my state even has exceptions for rape and incest to protect women who have been victim to those crimes. Also the law allows an abortion if the mother is in danger. These are deemed acceptable reasons in the society I choose to reside. They are also reasons that I feel are acceptable.

In summary, I would like to say that I do believe in a woman’s “right” to have an abortion but I also believe that it is also the right of each state to make laws to regulate it. Just as the states have laws to regulate certain other types of behaviors it deems to be unacceptable; Each state has the right through democratically elected legislators and representatives of the people living in those states to make laws to regulate abortion based on the majority of voters in each state. This is not a role for the Federal Government as determined by the latest ruling against Roe v Wade.

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