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Friday, October 14, 2016

What is a black hole really?

If you haven't read my posts titled "What is the Sun?" and "What is Gravity?", please take a moment to read them as I will be building on the information I discussed earlier.

To recap what I have said in my prior posts, the sun is not a star and is not a stationary object at the center of our solar system. The sun is a large mass, not too much different to the mass that we stand on as we look at the sun. It is a much larger mass than the planet we live on but it is an object traveling through space just the same as our planet.

As I discussed in the previous posts, as an object(mass) passes through space, it bends space containing particles and other objects around it. This large mass that we know as the sun moves through space at a speed estimated to be greater than 70,000 KM per hour. It is also spinning on an axis just as our planet does. It is also aligned magnetically with the North pole at the front and the South pole at its back side, just like our own planet.
When a mass passes through space, it disrupts all space/particles around it and causes an equal and opposite affect on everything it comes into contact with. Light and heat caused by the friction generated by this disruption also bends and twists around the South Pole(The back side). This bending and twisting force is what we now refer to as Gravity or to be more precise, a "Gravitational Vortex".

As a mass passing through space disrupts these particles, including those photons that carry light are bent and twisted around the object and cannot be seen reflecting from the surface of the mass from the front. As I stated earlier, this phenomena can be witnessed near our own North Pole as you look up to the sky at night and see the colorful swirling affect of the "Northern Lights".

By the time these particles pass around the back side of an object or mass like the sun, the friction is so great it causes collisions between these particles. These collisions result in nuclear fusion causing elements to fuse together and/or nuclear fission causing these elements to split apart. It also causes any organic material to disintegrate in the fire that burns behind it.

Any object or mass that does not get fused or split apart will be thrown into its "Gravitational Vortex swirling" behind it in an orbital pattern that slowly moves away from the mass it is following.

Not only is there nuclear fusion and fission happening, various molecules bind together and form new masses that include organic material, thus creating life as we know it.

As we follow behind this large mass (a.k.a. the sun) through space, caught in its gravitational vortex, we can only see the fire that burns behind it. You can witness this same type of gravitational vortex as you observe a comet as it passes near enough for us to see it. You will see a fire burning behind it and debris swirling behind it in a gravitational vortex similar to the comet illustrated below.

If we were able to accelerate to approximately 1,000,000 KM per hour "AND" escape the gravitational vortex of the sun. We could then move around the front side of the sun and set our eyes on its North Pole.

We would witness the complete opposite affect. The surface of the sun would be completely invisible to us due to the photons carrying the light bending around it. Not only does this object passing through space bend the light around it, it also causes any light that could be reflected from the surface to be pulled into its gravitational vortex as well. This would make it completely invisible to our naked eyes.

All we would see is complete darkness surrounded by a glow of light similar to what we witness during a solar eclipse. This is what scientists have referred to as a black hole.

A black hole is not a hole in space. It is a large mass that is moving through space bending the light around it causing it to appear black.

I believe that we cannot do this at the current time given our current state of technological knowledge but we may be able to do it sometime in the future.

It is much easier to send satellites floating back into our solar system. This can be done with little or no effort once we allow it to escape our own gravitational vortex. You can basically stop all northerly motion and allow the other planets and objects to naturally pass by it. This is why we can send a satellite to Mars without much effort and fuel.

It would take enormous amount of fuel and/or significant nuclear reactions to enable us to accelerate beyond the speed our sun travels through the universe in order to see the front or North Pole of the sun.

You may ask then, "how do we prove this theory?". I believe this can be done as we analyse particles passing through the Hadron Collider at Cern. Though it is difficult to measure given the small size of the particles studied but I believe it can be done.

The force of the gravitational vortex created by an object passing through space will be directly proportional to 3 factors.

These 3 factors are listed below:

  • The Mass or physical size of the object
  • The speed it is traveling through space 
  • The speed of its rotation on its axis

The greater the mass or speed a mass has while passing through space, the greater the gravitational vortex created by the object. Thus we can conclude the gravitational vortex behind the planet we call home is much smaller due to the smaller size of mass in direct comparison to that of the sun.

We are traveling at "nearly" the same speed as the planet we call the sun at the front of our solar system so our gravitational vortex is much less powerful due to the smaller size of our planet.

Yes, I said "nearly". This force weakens over distance from the object creating the vortex and as time passes all the objects caught in the gravitational vortex of another object weakens over time.

The force exerted by a gravitational vortex of one mass to another is indirectly proportional to the distance an object is from the object generating the force.

The closer an object is to our sun, the stronger the gravitational force that is is applied to the object. Thus Mercury is held in orbit around the vortex much stronger than Earth or Mars. Inversely the further a mass or object is from the mass generating the vortex is much weaker. This means that the gravitational force that is exerted on Pluto is very weak and Pluto is in danger of dropping out of orbit, possibly within our lifetime.

Eventually our planet will slowly move away from the sun and will one day break free from the gravitational vortex of the sun. It won't happen within our lifetime. We have other planets that are following us that are caught within the sun's vortex but one day Pluto will fall out of orbit of the vortex, followed by Neptune, Uranus, Saturn, Jupiter, etc...

Don't worry about that though. We will not see this occur for a very long time. It is possible that mankind as a species will become extinct before that happens. This will be due to the extreme cold temperatures that will occur as the distance grows between our planet and the burning debris behind the sun that provides light and heat for us to exist.

In conclusion I would like to say, the sun is not a star. It is a "LARGE" mass passing through space and burning up debris and fusing elements together and creating new elements and arranging these elements to create new planets. One day there will be a new planet between Mercury and the sun as Pluto falls out of orbit.

Again, I am not an astrophysicist or an expert in earth science. I am just an average person who thinks outside the box, so to speak.

Before I go, I want to say one more thing. Sometimes significant scientific advances are made by people considered ignorant on a given subject.

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