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Saturday, November 5, 2016

What is Eternity and When does it start

Today I want to talk about time and how we perceive it as well as attempt to describe eternity in a way you probably have never heard.

I will begin by asking the question "What is time?".

According to Wikipedia "Time is a component quantity of various measurements used to sequence events, to compare the duration of events or the intervals between them, and to quantify rates of change of quantities in material reality or in the conscious experience."

I believe this is an accurate definition but feel free to look it up in the dictionary if you don't trust the "Newspeak".

As stated in the definition above, time is a measurement "used to sequence events". According to this definition, time is a measurement device of sorts, similar to a ruler.

Imagine a skydiver getting ready to jump out of a plane. He/she is about to participate in an event that will begin when he/she jumps from the plane, continues as they free-fall through the air and ends with the skydiver on the ground (hopefully safe).

Now that I have created an "event" in your mind, I want you to imagine the same skydiver taking a tape measure with him/her and clip the end on an invisible hook in the air that surrounds the plane at the time the skydiver leaves the plane.
As the skydiver falls through the air, the tape measure rolls out to measure the distance the skydiver has traveled through the air. Once the skydiver reaches the ground, the tape measure ends providing a way for the skydiver to accurately count the centimeters(seconds), inches(minutes), feet(hours), yards(days), miles(weeks), etc...

This is similar to how we measure time. Although the devices we use are more complex than a tape measure.

In the beginning, whether you believe in the "big bang" theory or you subscribe to the belief in a supreme being or "God" creating the Earth, someone started counting the years, decades, centuries and millennia based on a calendar used by the "Mayans" 

It is said to have ended on the 12 day of December in the year 2012. In essence we reached the end of the tape measure used to measure the event.

Our modern day calendar is based on the Gregorian Calendar that began a little over 2000 years ago, almost 2017 years ago to be more precise.

Now that I have demonstrated what time is, I want to talk about "eternity". Again I will start by asking a question, "What is eternity?".

According to Merriam Websters, the short definition of eternity is "time that seems to be without an end"

I don't believe that this is a complete definition of the word. I believe that "Eternity" is more accurately defined as time without a beginning or an end. You probably can't even imagine that length of time! It includes all time with no beginning and no end. 

Now that we have an accurate definition of the word, I want to ask the question "When is eternity?". In order to answer this question I will need to answer a couple of other questions. These questions are "What moment of time has no beginning?" and "What moment of time has no end?".

Is eternity yesterday? No, yesterday had an obvious end. Yesterday ended now, did it not? Will eternity begin tomorrow? Of course not, tomorrow begins now, doesn't it? Confusing, isn't it.

The only moment of time that has no beginning and no end is "now". Think about it, now is the moment you are interfacing with this world for any particular length of time. Can you tell me when now began and when now ends?

You cannot answer that question. Eternity is "NOW" and it is a division of time that can be measured as seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, etc....

Now that you know that the moment "now" is a point of time on a timeline, you can also see how time is relative to the measurement used and the number of times it has occurred on the timeline, if that makes sense. It can be represented using the very simple formula that follows.

HAHAHA!!! Just kidding. I said a simple formula and I meant it.

The formula is n/x or n divided by x.

The letter "n" in the above formula will represent the period of time that "now" spans. It could be a year, century, millennium, etc....

The letter "x" represents the number of those time divisions have occurred throughout the timeline of history.

Any division of time regardless of if it be a week, month or year can be calculated using this formula,

As we get older, time seems to go faster and I believe it is true. If we apply this formula to our age at any given time we can calculate how many decades you have existed and how fast you perceive them to occur on your own timeline which I hope is a long one. Basically the older you get, the faster time passes. 

How we perceive time passing is relative to the number of "nows" throughout your life. For example, 1 year can seem like a very long time to a 10 year old girl or boy but the same year can be perceived to pass much more quickly to a person in their late 50s or early 60s.

To the young child a year=1/10 of their life but to the elderly person a single year is 1/60th of their life.

Anyway that's about all I have to say about it. Agree or not, it's my opinion for what its worth. Feel free to comment below.

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Here is one more thing to think about before you go. As demonstrated above our perception of time is relative but so is our perception of now. For instance my now could be 300 years into your past and your now could be 1500 years in my past. It's all relative.

Mind-Boggling isn't it.

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