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Tuesday, December 6, 2016

What creates life and what holds us to the ground – Part 2

This article is a continuation of the article titled "What holds us to the ground". If you haven't done so yet please feel free to read it before continuing as I will be building on the information I provide in that article.

As I said in the prior article the sun is nothing more than a particle passing through the multidimensional magnetic energy field of outer space causing innumerable nuclear reactions within the space surrounding it. "Outer space” is a template for all known and unknown elements. It contains all the ingredients that make up all matter throughout the universe. All it needs to be is split apart, separated and reassembled. 

As the particle we call our sun passes through outer space it creates the various elements that lay dormant within the fabric of space. It does this by a nuclear process we call fission. Splitting an atom in space results in the creation of an element.

Once these elements are created, they assemble together within space to make up matter and the assembled atoms/molecules are held in place by gravity which is the compressed or magnetized space surrounding the matter. In essence matter is nothing more than a molecular arrangement projected into space and held together by the gravity of the space surrounding it.

After an element is created, it begins to bind with the other elements surrounding it and other elements bind to it. They accumulate to form what we know as “Earth”. In fact the earth and other planets could be described as space mining collection sites. Elements are created, collected, grouped by atomic weight and deposited to the ground beneath our feet.

This in itself is not enough to create life, however. Life requires specific elements to exist. Atoms of hydrogen need to bind together with oxygen atoms to create water which is a necessary component for life. Life also requires heat and light. Lucky for us, this heat and light is created from this particle called the sun traveling through space causing these millions of billions of trillions of … of nuclear reactions.

Even with all of that going on as the sun passes through space; it is still not enough for life as we know it to exist. Life requires one more thing to get started, so to speak.

Once this chemically bound molecular arrangement is projected into space, it is then “energized” by the radiation coming from the sun. That is the final ingredient needed to create life as we know it. 

Yes, we need the sun’s radiation to survive and without it, life would not exist. In essence the radiation coming from the sun ignites the molecular projections causing them to come alive.

Now you may ask, “What about the other planets in our solar system?” and “If earth was formed from the elements created by the sun, what created the other planets?” The answer to those questions is very simple.  They were all created the very same way. 

I will even take it a bit further by saying that life existed on Mars similar to how it exists on Earth as it once did on the other planets following us through the gravitational vortex we call our solar system.

“Hold on there, you’re trying to tell me life existed on the other planets in our solar system?” Yes, that is exactly what I’m trying to say. Life existed on Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, as well as any other planet that may have broken free from the gravitational vortex of the sun.

Within a gravitational vortex, the force weakens over time and distance. All objects or matter slowly falls back away from the sun. At one point in time, Pluto was the same distance from the sun as the earth is today and one day the Earth will be as far from the sun as Pluto is today. Not too long ago, Mars was within the same proximity to the sun as we are now.

The location of our planet within our solar system is very important because it is the correct temperature and the elements we need to survive are abundant in this location. If we go back in the solar system, we will find temperatures too cold to sustain life. Inversely, if we go forward in the solar system, we find the temperatures are too hot for life to exist.  In fact hydrogen atoms break free from oxygen atoms at those extreme high temperatures so water cannot exist in that environment.

While matter can and does exist everywhere throughout the universe, life can’t exist without the correct environment.

One day in the future, the force that holds our planet within the gravitational vortex of the sun will loosen and we will slowly fall back in the solar system. This will cause extreme temperatures that will make it incompatible to sustain life.

Around the same time Venus will enter the sweet spot of our galaxy and life as we know it can be formed again on the new earth energized by the same radiation that we benefit from on this rock we call home.

I don’t know how long the earth will stay within the correct proximity of the sun and continue to be an environment capable of sustaining life. Perhaps a million years or more will pass before it becomes uninhabitable but it is an unfortunate reality and humans may find it necessary to migrate to the new planet when it becomes life friendly. 

A mass migration will not be necessary though because life will sprout from the new fertile ground on Venus, just as it did on Earth. Various life forms, including life forms similar if not identical to us will share a new world for perhaps 10,000,000 years or longer. At least until Venus falls out of the correct proximity to the sun. But don’t worry; by that time Mercury will be the planet to sprout new life and there will probably be another planet between our planet and the sun.

That is about all I have to say on the subject today.

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