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Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Trying to raise money for a drone

Many of you are aware that I am a YouTuber.
You can view my channel here

A few weeks ago I started a GoFund me account to help me raise money for a DJI Phantom 4 drone to enable me to shoot aerial videos for my YouTube channel.

Here is a link to some information about the drone I am wanting to purchase.

Here is a link to my GoFund me account

I hope to raise enough money to purchase one by the end of the year. Please feel free to share the GoFundMe page with your friends. If you have the means and find it in your heart to donate money to my cause, feel free to follow the instructions on the website and/or contact me.

Thanks again for reading.

Feel free to check out my other blog at and follow me on Twitter, Facebook, Google+, etc.. @privetanna, @bryguy1955 and @whoisbryguy1955. #WhoIsBryguy1955 #HelloAnna

Also feel free to get a copy of my book titled "The Never Ending Letter" on Amazon here

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