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Friday, September 16, 2016

Are we eating too much?

Today, I want to talk about a topic that has been weighing (pardon the pun) on my mind for a while.

Are we eating too much?
I would like to briefly preface with the fact that I am not a dietitian, nor am I a biologist, chemist, nutritionist, etc... In fact what I am going to be presenting to you here is not really scientific per se. It is just information I have learned from over 40 years of self-observation.

Before we can figure out if we are consuming too much of something we need to know how much of something we actually need. Anything above and beyond what we actually “Need” to survive becomes excessive and I consider being too much and so does your body believe it or not.

From here on, I will refer to anything in excess of what we need as "shit" because that is the form it takes while exiting your body. 

Sorry if I offended anyone out there. It is not my intent to offend anyone. The truth is nothing I say or do can cause you to become offended. You get offended because you “take offense”. If you don’t like my use of certain terms or language, you can always tune into another channel.

This "shit"(there is no other word that describes it) is unable to be used by your body and should be removed from your body as you relieve your bladder or have a bowel movement. For all of you unscientific people out there that don’t understand what those are, I will put it into the most common terms. Your body gets rid of all this foreign debris (waste) when you take a piss or take a shit.
Anyway, let’s get back to the subject at hand. How much food do we actually need?

There is a survival rule that survivalists have known for years. This rule is called the “Rule of Threes”.
The “Rule of Threes” states
In any extreme situation you cannot survive for more than:
·         3 minutes without air
·         3 hours without shelter
·         3 days without water  
·         3 weeks without food
So there you have it, you “need” at a minimum air every 3 minutes, shelter within 3 hours, water within 3 days and food within 3 weeks. Anything more than this, your body if you are healthy will get rid of the excess through sweat, urination and bowel movements.

Unfortunately, not everyone is healthy and some people process the excess in different ways. One obvious way is creating fat cells. While some fat cells can be healthy, other fat cells become cancerous and/or they appear as aging. Yes, that’s correct. I said aging.

I believe that we cause our bodies to age significantly faster in proportion to the amount of food (mostly “shit” your body can’t use) that we consume. Our bodies must work harder to filter out the minute levels of vitamins, minerals and other things our bodies can use.

If you are not afraid of getting your hands dirty (Sorry, I won’t do it), try weighing the food you are about to consume. I don’t mean counting calories. I mean pound by pound, ounce by ounce and liter by liter.

Wait approximately 24 hours until your next bowel movement and weigh the “shit” (sorry again, this is the best term I can find). I would be willing to bet money that the “shit” weighs nearly as much as the so-called food you at the day before.
Not only is this “shit” poison to the body, the body works hard to process it. Sometimes the body is unable to process it fast enough or organs fail causing these poisons to build up inside us causing illness and even death.

Yet, we have been raised to believe we need to consume 3 meals a day and drink a liter of water each day. We have even trained our digestive system to expect and even beg for more. This is all similar to an addiction. If you ignore the urge to consume more than necessary, you will end up desiring less of something.

Honestly, taking a multivitamin every morning with a glass of tea, water or even coffee is sufficient for your body to survive that day. This is not to say that some people don’t need more protein and other essential nutrients to survive for a day.

An author such as me who sits in front of a computer all day long does not need as much “food” (foreign objects you ingest that your body actually will actually use) as a construction worker who needs a lot of energy to perform his/her job.

So in conclusion I would like to say that I believe we as a society consume too much food and we age faster and suffer health issues because of it. If we learn to eat only what is necessary for our survival, we will not only live longer but we will be healthier and have a higher quality of life.

That is about all I have to say on this subject.

If you would like to comment on this please feel free to enter your comment below.

Thanks for reading.

P.S. This blog is only my opinion and please refer to your physician and/or a nutritionist to learn how much food you need to consume to remain healthy.

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