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Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Today I am saying Farewell...

Today, after approximately 5 years of using Google Blogger for my blogs, I have decided to say farewell to Google and introduce my blog on a more convenient and honest platform.
I have become increasingly aware of Google's censorship of my own material for quite some time. I have also been made aware that Google is not providing me accurate information. In fact it has been hiding statistics from me since I began using blogger as my primary tool.

Not only does Google hide my statistics, it outright lies by throwing out random numbers. One day I will have a post with over 1/4 million likes and the next day it will be down to 2 or 3.

This is an example of a post that Google has been dishonest and misleading about.

Three days ago, this post displayed over 278,000 Google+ likes but today it shows that 1 person(me) likes the post. Keep in mind, this post has been on my blog for nearly 5 years.

Here is a screen shot I took of one of the posts that Google has been giving misleading information about. This was captured 3 days ago.

This is a screenshot taken of the same post minutes ago

There were at least 5 posts that had over 1/4 million likes 3 days ago and now.... :(

Oh, and Google also tells me I have 0 followers on both my blogs. Yet, strangers come up to me on the street and recognize me from my blogs. 

These dishonest business practices have finally led me to move my blog to a better, more open platform that is not known for censorship and/or dishonest business practices.

This will be my final blog entry at If you would like to continue to follow me, you can find this blog continued along with all the previous content at

If you have been following my other blog, you will find that it has been moved to WordPress as well. You can find it at,

In conclusion, I suggest if you are considering starting a blog, don't pick Google as your blogging platform. From what I have seen WordPress is much easier to use and is more compatible with other social media platforms such as Twitter and Facebook.

So today I say farewell to an old friend(NOT). As much as I would like to continue a mutually beneficial relationship with Google, it has proven to benefit only one side.

You can continue to follow me on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, etc... @privetanna, @bryguy1955, @whoisbryguy1955 and @aviatoroflove.

Check out my YouTube channel at

Last but not least, check out my book titled "The Never Ending Letter" on Amazon here

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